Friday, November 13, 2009

Halloween and Soccer Fun

OK so I'm finally getting around to posting Halloween pictures and some soccer party award pictures. Here they are....

Alex-Superman, Lily-Cinderella, and Ivy-Tinkerbell

Alex - Superman
Lily - Cinderella
We have to show off the Glass Slippers
Ivy - Tinkerbell

Garrett bought a Superman outfit to match Alex and a Superman wig too! We went to a Halloween Party that the twins' soccer team mates Marcus & Sammy who are also twins threw. David put on Garrett's costume to wear to it. It didn't last long it was too tight in the neck but, he lasted long enough for pictures before he took it off.
Grandpa and Alex

Uncle Garrett wore the Superman costume to the Ward Party.
Uncle Garrett and Alex
Our Halloween Pumpkins
We had the Wildcats Soccer Team Party. Alex and Lily received medals, awards, and certificates. It was fun.
Alex with Coach David and Asst. Coach Melanie. He was awarded Most Improved Soccer Player!
Lily with Coach David and Asst. Coach Melanie. She was awarded The Biggest Boot!
Last but not least just to let you know there are still miracles in the world! Garrett has this game for the computer. It is an airplane game and it has a controller that you grab and it moves the plane up and down and sideways. It also shoots if you push the trigger. Well all three of the kids sat in the big office chair and took turns and enjoyed playing together. See the proof below.


  1. I LOVE your Halloween costumes! You all look great! :)

  2. It sure looks like you had a "super" halloween. Great costumes! I can't believe I'm related to such good looking people.

    Aunt Barbara
