Friday, January 30, 2009

The Weight Watcher Depression

OK So last week Kathy (my sister) and I went to our 2nd meeting and our first weigh in from starting Weight Watcher's. I was so ecstatic I had lost 5.6 lbs. So I doubled my work out this week and I even walked to church and then yesterday came the big weigh in and and KER PLUNK!!! I had lost only 1 measly pound. Boy did I get depressed and discouraged. My sister was my cheerleader telling me not to get down etc. etc. etc. But I sure am depressed it makes you not want to go through all the daily workouts and counting the points and everything. However David started on Weight Watchers too last week after I had lost my 5.6 lbs. He doesn't go the meetings but, he has me help him with points and stuff. So he also encouraged me to keep going. So here I am today getting ready to do my work out and see how another week goes. At my one month I'll post some pictures of the first day and then the month day. Just don't laugh I know I need help!!!


  1. Rose Ann I am sure you will do great!! WW was tough for me, work hard and 1 pound. I fell off the wagon and into the kitchen, but now I am back to exercising.


  2. I am proud of you. I have been trying for 3 weeks and have only lost 2 pounds. You are amazing. I know that you can do anything you put your mind to it. Keep me posted on what dad is doing. For some reason it is really funny and weird that my dad is trying to diet. I don't know why it just is.

  3. Mom, you are doing GREAT. 5lbs in one week AWESOME! Plus have you watched biggest loser second and third weeks stink! You'll lose more plus with dad and Aunt Kathy you can cheer each other on. I sure love you don't let the scale own you....excercise is good no matter what the scale says. LOVE YOU!!!

  4. ah dang it is brandee under sir again
